Let our experts to design for your global business model a sustainable benefits administration system

Staffing & Recruiting

Professional HR administration solution to save you time and money while reducing errors. Simplify your work with our fully integrated one-stop-shop HR information system

The first big challenge you met was deciding to reach new markets, and you are already a winner! But you must know, here are challenges everywhere. You have to act strategically and deal with them quickly as you can by choosing Zelda’s team for running Human Resource Management.

In only two weeks, Zelda through HR Management solution, will bring you up to date to all local tax and labor laws, both requirements and benefits for your international employees, so they can start to grow your business. 

Here is what we properly do: 

  1. Keep you informed, perhaps all your potential employees know about legal regulations and benefits much more than you do, and in negotiation with them our role is to keep you informed too. Even if it is part of UE, each country has unique legislation regarding local taxes, labor laws and key benefits. We are your support in this area, so you can take informed decisions.

  2. We solve the entire fine process related to elaboration of employee’s contracts (changes or extensions, starters or leavers because of illness, strikes, military service, maternal and parental leaves, and others). Our experience showed to us their power and how important is to get them right. 

  3. We do everything in terms of compliance with taxation, insurance and social security rules in-country and abroad. 

  4. We are nonstop connected to the changes flow in Labor Law and Collective Contracts.

  5. We like to make things simple, even if it is about bureaucracy. Our goal is not to take your precious time by analyzing dozens of files sent, in this way you receive only a single invoice per country that contains all details of employees salary, related fees, social and financial costs.

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Here We Are in Europe

Tired of paying fines?

Let our experts to handle your financial operations in Europe