Payroll & Employer of Record

Staffing & Recruiting

Accounting Outsourcing

Company Registration

Business Consultancy

Hire, pay, onboard, and manage your talent in Europe through innovative payroll, EOR & compliance services

Payroll Services

Professional, customized solution for your own needs, language, and currency. Full compliance with Switzerland, France, UK, Ireland, Romania's local labor and tax legislation under our experts supervision

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Employer of Record (EOR)

EOR works best for hiring IT talent, remote sales agents or consultants, back-office experts, and other individuals working in industries whose work can be done from a computer with internet access

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Staffing & Recruiting

Professional HR administration solution to save you time and money while reducing errors. Simplify your work with our fully integrated one-stop-shop HR information system

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Accounting Outsourcing

High-qualified experts to be your loyal business advisers, experienced professionals in 30+ industries, tax compliance, efficient financial management

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The risks with a Non-Professional Outsourcing Company

Non-transparent & hidden pricing policy

Unexpected additional charges applied without any notification.

The non-application of the legislation

No compliance with local legislation that may attract penalties and fines.

Lack of data security & confidentiality

No data protection with high risk of access by third parties.

Erroneous data in the reports

Incorrect data reported to managers, authorities and auditors.

The benefits with a Professional Outsourcing Company

Secure data exchange & confidentiality

High secure tools used in the data transfer, processing and storage.

Transparent & fair pricing policy

Pay-per-use strategy focused on solving the customer needs.

Guaranteed compliance with local legislation

Always up to date with the last changes and on time declarations submission.

Full & accurate data in the reports

Only correct and systematized data, easy to analyze and make decisions.

Need professional advice for your business or your industry?


Our working area

With every step we are closer to your business in Europe